The Journey
Our Journey, just like everyone else’s, started with an idea. As we walked down this path that idea began to grow and blossom into a dream that would forever change us. This vision was to be a people first digital marketing agency where we served people. The importance of being founded on principle, to go first, to serve vs being subservient, to understand before acting, and most importantly to keep walking and moving forward soon became clear to us. Even though these sound trivial they are at the heart, mind, and being of our company.
Fire & Hammer is more than just a place to come and work, it is an organism that lives and breathes. It a place to dream, build, create, and experience wonder. If you feel us, then we are honored that you have allowed us to impact you in some small way. Our company and our mission are one in the same. To serve those in and around us, to dream and create. To give and help others achieve a greater good, something that is bigger than themselves.
This is our journey and the path that we are walking down, you are welcome to come with us.